• I'm a software engineer

    Mainly interested in backend and cloud infrastructures development. More specifically, in distributed systems and microservices architecture.

    From a more esoteric point of view, I've been learning lately about functional programming (specifically with Clojure) and trying to rebuild my roots revisiting some college content (currently, revisiting Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)

    Currently, i'm working at New Work, in NodeJs and AWS related projects.

  • I'm not a frontend developer.

    You could imagine that. FFS, this page is a white HTML.

    I dig from time to time into moden web development technologies, but everything related to design/styling/anything involving CSS is my Achilles heel.

  • I'm a TDD and DDD enthusiast.

    I'm really interested on the advantages that DDD tactical and strategical patterns introduce to the companies and how they allow to the different mindsets present on a company speak the same language.

    I came also from a QA background, so I just find pros in the way of work with TDD. You know, think first, divide and conquer, write later, be safer.
  • I like to consider myself a musician.
  • I'm a decent guitar and bass player and a meh keyboard player. From time to time, i'm making noise in a couple of bands as lead guitar.

    I've been a while studying jazz theory (self-taught since always, more regulated since 2020) and lately I started into the sampling world through an old MPC (quite opposite sides, yep).